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Planting Lavender and prepare the Papershop
by (de)
Our Project Week 15th - 19th May 2017
In our project week to celebrate the school's 50th birthday we replaced the lavender plants having been planted last year at the big event of the last Erasmus+ Project "Back to Our Future" and presented the "Papershop".
Unsere Projektwoche 15. - 19. Mai 2017 zum Schuljubiläum im Zeichen von Erasmus+
In unserer Projektwoche halfen wir, die Lavendelpflanzen aus dem letzten Erasmus+ Projekt "Back to our future" zu ersetzen und präasentierten unseren Papershop.
Add a comment
Comment by Camilla |
I like it.
Really COOL XD
Comment by jerome |
super.I like it.
Comment by melissa |
I like Reetz. In Reetz is it very nice. In Reetz is the pizza very very good.For me are Dieter and Bijan very nice and cool.
Comment by josi |
Das ist voll cool aber das sind zu wenig Bilder, aber trotzdem ist es cool und perfekt, echt gut!
This is really cool but it could be more pictures. Anyway - really perfect and good.