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Paper Show
by (it)
“Chiara e Francesco d’Assisi” primary school, Cantù (Italy)
The Italian children studied the history of paper and they prepared a show, with the help of an expert, Marcello Mariani, and the teachers.
The show starts from the ancient men, when they wrote on stones and later deals with the Egyptians and their papyrus. During the performance the children showed a creative use of paper to make clothes; acted like ancient Chinese people and the first piece of paper to nowadays when they show the importance of the words we write on paper. The students enjoyed their evening on stage a lot!
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Comment by Ulla Ondratschek |
Dear children and teachers of Chiara eFrancesco d'Assisi -School!
That is a wonderful performance! What a work for you all. I hope you enjoyed it!
Ulla (Berlin)
Comment by Maarja |
I really like your decorations and costums! :) :D