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P5/6 Scots Culture Week

by (sco)

P5 and P6 have been celebrating the life and works of our nation bard, Robert Burns (25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796). The children have been looking at the poetry and songs that he wrote and drawing portraits of the famous poet. Each child selected their favourite poem and learnt it off by heart for a recital competition. There was also a singing competition and musical recitals too.

P6 hosted their own traditional Burn Supper which was an evening of poetry, songs and music celebrating the life and works of Robert Burns. As part of this evening the P6s studied Robert Burns’ life and wrote their own account of this, known as an ‘Immortal memory’. Each child collated their study of Burns’ work as an e-book using ‘Book Creator’ on their iPads. This was shared with our Erasmus partner schools along with a short film of our Burns Supper.

Whilst Robert Burns wrote his poems and songs hundreds of years ago, the power of his written word is still strong today and is celebrated each year on the 25th January.


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