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Making Paper
by (nl)
Some of our 6 – 9 year olds made their own paper out of used paper to learn them to recycle. You see how you can do this yourself and create some pictures.
• Wooden sieve frame
• Old paper/ toilet paper
• Woollen cloth
Step 1
Snip used paper, let this rest in a little water for 1 night. You can also use clean, wet toilet paper if you want to use it the same day.
If you use newspapers, your new paper will be grey because of the ink.
Step 2
Make pulp of the wet paper with a mixer
Step 3
Fill flat plates or tins with water and put the pulp in.
Step 4
Scoop with a wooden sieve frame some pulp as evenly as possible on the scoop window and let the water drop out of it.
Step 5
Put a thick woollen cloth (baize) or a yellow cleaning cloth on the table.
Turn the scoop window upside down and let the wet pulp onto the cloth. If it doesn’t fall off by itself, help it a bit with your hand by gently stroking the gauze so that it becomes loose.
Step 6
Press the surplus water out of the pulp with a press or use a wooden plank. Put pressure on the wooden plank to remove he water from the pulp.
Step 7
Hang the cloth on the washing line for a day. The next day your new paper will be dry. Carefully pull the paper from your cloth.
Now you can start decorating your paper.
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