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For a week in March 18 we will work on the Storyline Approach in Cantu
by (it)
The children at school and the teachers in a teachers' training course.
We are looking forward to that!
Ulla and Anna
Storyline approach
Seminar held by URSULA ONDRATSCHEK From Grundschule im Beerwinkel, Berlin 21st March 2018 |
Scuola secondaria di primo grado “Pellegrino Tibaldi”
Via Manzoni, Cantù
The Gym in our Time Machine
The “Storyline method” is a pedogogical strategy for “active learning”, mainly used in primary schools in Scotland, the United States, Scandinavia and the Netherlands. The system can be adapted for use in adult education as well.
Pioneers of the approach were staff tutors Steve Bell, Sallie Harkness and Fred Rendell.
Il seminario sarà a numero chiuso: max 30 partecipanti.
E’ richiesta l’iscrizione inviando mail entro il 14 marzo 2018 all’indirizzo
Verrà rilasciato attestato di partecipazione.
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